Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Japanese embassy visit

Our class had the privilege of a visit from some representatives of the Japanese embassy.  They are bursting with facts about Japan…ask them about it.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025


We are continuing our court defence theme in phase Z. We’ve been working on triple ball in volleyball, and now we’re looking at badminton. If anyone has any old badminton rackets that they’re willing to donate to the school, please send them in! The ones we have Take a bit of a beating, and we can always deal with some replacements.

Virtual ventures visits our class

Students from the university are visiting our class today to lead a virtual adventure with our students.  They are manipulating 3d software to explore how Eclipses work…

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Our second visit with Stranger

Ask your child about what they learned about the far north during our visit with Stranger.  Ask about the size of polar bears and seals.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Room 207 Graffiti Art

We learned how to block in letters, how to bend and flare components of our letters, and how to use colours to create Auras and force fields while making our names into graffiti.