Friday, December 1, 2017
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Pick a Precept Poster Face
Have fun!
Friday, November 24, 2017
#BringItIn was a great event for us this past Wednesday. The big take away for us was the overall messaging of the event. We had enough time to debrief back at school and our class filled a piece of chart paper with positive affirmations from the day. We were able to rattle off about a dozen messages, and link them to the presenters who shared those words. Among those ideas were;
Be Yourself
Be Your Best Self
The importance of diversity
Motivate - find it and use it
"Influencers" positive and negative
Desire + Capacity = success
Harvest your Uniqueness
Value...we all have it in the same amount- don't let anyone make you believe any less
There were anti bullying talks, autism awareness talks, and talks about believing in yourself. It was a loooonnnggg day in many ways, but one filled with many great messages.
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Forms, Wonders, and Japanese Multiplication...
One is for a great opportunity next week. Please read the cover letter for more information, but to summarize, the Grey Cup organizers, and the Ottawa Redblacks have teamed up to put on a school event called # Bring It In.
This title is a reference to the 'huddle' that is called in football, where players 'bring it in' to talk over plays, and plans for success. In this same way the event is focused on talking to youth about how to be successful in life. It features a range of motivational speakers who have been selected to excite and inspire the students. This event is next Wednesday, in the TD place arena. The Grey Cup won't likely be held in Ottawa for another decade, so it is exciting for our students to be able to be a part of the events surrounding this, and to be able to get an opportunity to share with the wonderful stories that will be shared. We are looking for volunteers who can come along, so please look for the forms and let me know if you can attend.
Another form coming home today is in relation to a trip that is almost as exciting as #Bring It In. This is a trip that all of the Junior students at Churchill are also going to take, as an extension of a story we are all looking at in our classes called Wonder. This is a story about a little boy named Auggie, who struggles with relationships with his peers due to being born with Treacher Collins Syndrome, which caused facial deformities since birth. Our class is reading the novel as a read aloud, and have done a couple of activities around the picture book this is based on. There is a link below to a Youtube video of this picture book being read aloud (it is titled We are All Wonders). This novel has been turned into a movie, and it is now playing in cinemas. Please see the cover letter and form for more details. We will also need volunteers for this trip. Needless to say, there will be a cover charge for volunteers to attend this one:)
Thanks to our classmate Olivia, we have been looking at "Japanese Math" (we have also looked at the use of ""quotation marks in conversation, and also how modern vernacular uses them to highlight special words...). To say that the class was blown away by "Japanese Multiplication" would be an understatement. Those who are often brought to near tears by multiplication questions, were dancing in their seats and asking to do more work multiplying numbers! We were able to make concrete links between this and our Lattice multiplication method, but this is just so visual that it is exciting for everyone. Check out this video link....
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Remembrance Day Sharing

Everyone in the class either spoke some lines to explain the reasoning and symbolism of our place setting, or they had an "acting " role demonstrating to the audience exactly what made up the setting. With this project was all about is basically an empty place setting that we were bringing around to each classroom at nutrition break that was meant to symbolize a soldier who fought in defence of freedom in one of the conflicts since World War I. Take time to ask your child about the symbolism of the white place setting, the empty chair, the upside down cup, the slice of lemon, the pinch of salt, the poppy, or the origami crane. Hopefully they can explain most of these symbols.
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Monday, November 6, 2017
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Halloween Hilarity
Swinging for Apples is the best way to end a fun Halloween day at school. The apples might be the only healthy snack these kids get until Halloween is over!!!
Monday, October 30, 2017
Math Freaks Come Out at Night 2017 Edition
This year's Math Freaks event was a smashing success. A huge thanks goes out to all of the students and parents who showed up to help out. We had a couple of new activities this year, which seemed popular. There were fun costumes, smiles all around, and countless examples of parents and children engaged in genuine math related conversations and fun. What more could you ask for?