On Monday we re-created the workings of the heart by pumping coloured water through our homemade heart chambers...
The heart has four chambers: The right atrium receives blood from the veins and pumps it to the right ventricle. The right ventricle receives blood from the right atrium and pumps it to the lungs, where it is loaded with oxygen. ... The left ventricle (the strongest chamber) pumps oxygen-rich blood to the rest of the body.

Here is a great link to a kids site talking about the heart...
Here are a few fun games to try and help you learn more about the heart and how it works/how to keep it working,,,
- Blast Off – Your heart is like a rocket ship. It needs the right fuel to keep it running and to give you enough power to do all the things you want to do. Try your hand at fueling up your rocket with this fun game from the USDA. Don't forget to pick an activity!
- Smash Your Food! – Too much sugar, salt, or oil could make your heart run poorly, but do you know how many of these foods are hiding in popular food items? Smash the food and find out!
- Food Hero – It can be tricky to figure out how much food and exercise you need to keep your heart feeling healthy. This game from HealthySocial.org can help you discover what makes a good meal and a good exercise routine.
- Chef Solu's Build-a-Meal Game – Exercise and good nutrition are important to keeping your heart in perfect condition. Give them both a try in this fun, fast-paced game!
- Dining Decisions – To keep your heart healthy, you need to eat healthy foods. See if you can tell which foods are good for you in this online game from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- Circulatory and Respiratory Systems Tour – Take a trip through your lungs and veins in this animated tour. You'll learn about the heart and smaller processes like how blood carries oxygen through the body.
- Label the Heart – Once you've read up on the heart and its parts, why not see how much you remember? This game will test your knowledge about the parts of the heart.
- The Human Heart Trivia Quiz – Here is a quiz about one of the most important organs in the body-the human heart. Enjoy!
- The Blood Typing Game – This game's for older kids, but it's still good fun. Learn how to figure out what blood type someone is, and prescribe the right blood transfusion.
- The Circulatory System game – An interactive online game about the circulatory system.
- How Does Blood Flow Through the Heart? – You probably know that blood goes through the heart, but it can be harder to imagine how it does that. This will show you how the different chambers in the heart work together.
- The Heart Quiz – How much do you really know about your heart? Take this quiz from KidsHealth and find out!
- Find the Heart – Using a virtual stethoscope, can you find the heart? Make sure your computer sound is turned on.
- The Healthy Fridge Quiz! – To keep your heart healthy, you need to eat the right foods. Learn which foods are good for your heart in this fun quiz!
- Structures of the Heart – A handy website to learn the structures of the heart.