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Monday, March 16, 2020
Friday, March 13, 2020
Reading buddy refuge
We took a quick break from I Class to spend some time with our reading buddies. The students are sad that this will be our last get together for the forseeable future, but they’re having a great time together today.

Thursday, March 12, 2020
Brain and neuron models
We built these models to piggyback on the great brain awareness presentation we had this week by neurology students from Carleton. Ask your child how signals are sent through the nervous system, and what we could power with all e electrical signals sent from the brain...

Bread mould experiment
As part of our investigation into the human body systems we have been talking about the immune system. Given recent developments with the coronavirus, this is a timely discussion, and we have been focussing on handwashing. In order to highlight the importance of handwashing we started an experiment with bread and surfaces in the school. Students quickly compile the list of services they believed would contain high concentrations of bacteria. With surgical gloves on and armed with slices of white bread for students set out through the school to collect samples off of surfaces on the bread which we then sealed in Ziploc baggies and labeled. We’re going to compare them against a control sample that went directly into a Ziploc bag without outside contact. I will be posting regular pictures here on the blog so that students can follow the progress over the next few weeks. Here are the samples after the first two days for reference.
Day 2...

Day 1...
Day 2...
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Healthy Living - Vaping talk
Today in class we are reading about Vaping and it's effects on children across Canada. Here are links to some of the sites we will be also looking at so you can get more information. 25% of Canadian teens are trying it, while only 1 in 8 teens admit to trying cigarettes. This is an area where we all need to learn more so that we can build healthy living habits.
Muscles of the body

Know your muscles game
Keep a body healthy game
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