Lemon juice is added to represent gastric juices that further help to break down the food in the Ziploc bag which is acting as a stomach.

Muscles around the stomach work to physically break down the contents of the stomach juices in the stomach chemically break it down to create chyme.
The contents of the stomach her squeezed through a hole in the corner of the Ziploc baggie, which represents the sphincter at the bottom of our stomach.
The contents of the stomach trouble through a nylon stocking, the length of which represents her small intestine. The liquid that seeps out through the nylon sucking represents the nutrients being absorbed from our small intestine, into our bloodstream.

The food that is passed through our small intestine collects in a mass at the end of the stocking, as it would in our large intestine. Here we squeeze the excess liquid out, simulating the process that our large intestine carries out removing liquid from the food we are digesting .
Once the excess liquid has been squeezed out from the bottom of the stocking, acting as the large intestine, it's contents are squeezed out into a paper cup which represents the rectum. Here we find the final product of our digestive system. 

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