Today ended in a whirlwind with us in the computer lab trying to work out some kinks with computer logins, and setting up drive accounts. As a result, we did not do agendas at dismissal, but if we had, we would have made note of two things. First, tomorrow is PHOTO DAY. Secondly, there are still outstanding Terry Fox forms that need to be returned. The pledge forms don't need to come back until after the run, but we need the forms in by Wednesday so we know that everyone will be able to make the trip for the run.
There have been some issues on the playground with Pokemon cards. Before this becomes a widespread problem I will be urging the students in our class to not bring these to school, or if they do, to remember that they are not for trading, or giving away. They can look at them, play with them, but each student returns home at day's end with what they came with.
Finally, please let me know if you are going to be able to come along on our trip to the park for phys ed on Thursday. We had many parents volunteer on the forms, but last week we almost had to cancel the trip due to volunteers not showing up for the walk to McKellar. That would have been too bad as the trip was really memorable, and a good team builder (we put on over 6 km with the walking and running according to my phone's tracker!).
The class is doing very well, and people are working hard to come together as a community. We are working daily on how to be active listeners during discussion times, but some of us are having troubles with letting others share their thinking. It is an ongoing project, and we will improve on this daily I am certain.
I hope to see many of you out for the Terry Fox event Friday! Our class will be leaving early to help set it up, so if you are coming along, please be at the school for 10:40 at the latest, as we will leave right at that time (hopefully).
Regards, Ray
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