Today's trip to Parliament Hill started off with us walking to the transit way and catching a bus downtown. Our arrival on the hill was met with blue skies and sunshine… An omen for a fantastic trip.

We were fortunate enough to be in the hall of honour when the Sergeant at arms paraded by carrying the ceremonial mace to start parliamentary debate.

Just outside the doors to the Senate chamber students stopped to view the portraits of all of Canada's reining monarchs. They learn the story about this painting of queen Victoria. It's a rather swashbuckling tail. Be sure to ask your child about it and see if they recall the details or even the general idea.

After a break for lunch on the steps of the Parliament buildings, we had it over to the bank of Canada building on Sparks Street. Here we toured ox was newest museum, the Canadian currency museum. We had a limited amount of time there, and I think I speak for everyone in the group when I say that we all could easily go back for another visit. There were tons of interactive's a very modern design, with very forward thinking displays to engage the visitor. Oh and did we mention that it was free to everyone?!

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