Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Creative Comma Use

Today we looked at how to use a comma properly, and the class reviewed Lynn Truss' classic book, Eats, Shoots and leaves.  Room 308 has been tasked with coming up with some creative comma sentences that highlight how incorrect usage can create problems.
Some fun can be had testing your comma knowledge by playing the game, found at the following link...

In preparation for our Earth Day sharing next week, we have been doing some reflective writing on the topic of beauty, inspired by the words of Macy Gray.  Check out her song here...

We are creating a video ourselves to share our reflections on our beautiful world.  Stay tuned for more on that when we are done....

And another reminder that our Alpha Biographies are due, printed, on April 30th.  Anyone who needs help printing, can do it at school in B&W.

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