Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Days are Drawing to a close...

Check out this link for some of the video our class made and presented at the sharing today.  
Below is the scene from today's recess.  Our sixes are feeling the beginning of the end, so they sought out a corner of the yard and just hung out to chat.  

Monday, June 27, 2016

Late night hatchlings!!

I'm in late tonight packing up stuff for the class move and hang out with the new hatchlings. It seems like we may have 45 to take it incubator in the morning and if things keep going at this rate it might be 10. Exciting days!

So long grade 6's- Hello Baby Chicks!

The honouring ceremony went off with only a minor hitch or two today (who could predict the blown projector bulb, and an afternoon trip cancellation?).  The 6's all spoke well, the staff and parents played their roles, and everyone was duly impressed.  After school a few stuck around the class to see us take our newly hatched baby chicks out of the incubator.  We have nine out of the incubator, and there are at least three more ready to come out in the morning.  

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Thank you from Crystal Bay

Our  teacher friend Sean,from Crystal Bay stopped by this afternoon with a card from all of the students at his school. He told us that the staff continued to talk about how wonderful our class was and how willing we were to go the extra mile to make everyone happy on the fun day. They continue to talk about this for days after the a token of appreciation day each left a fingerprint on the card that he delivered to us today. The inside of the card was filled out with signs and pictures just like some of the letters are safe for my penpals. The kids really appreciated the gesture.