Thursday, June 18, 2015

Glog Addresses

We have been working on creating Graphic Blogs for living things that we researched online.  Basically it is an online collection of research on a creature of each students' choosing.   Below is a link to each 'Glog' that has been submitted.  Check out some of the research our students have done, and check out the work they have each put into their blog.
Glogg Addresses


Jake’s Glog

Kenny’s Blog
Tiny Golden Kinglets

Kasper’s blog of moose !!! -Ethan cuttlefish  Glog

Cayley’s Glog: -Gavin corn snake glog

Friday, June 12, 2015

Another Amazing Day!

This is going to seem redundant, but today was another fantastic day for the students of Room 308, and they rose to the occasion once again, leaving a great reputation behind them with the people at Rogers Studios.  (I say redundant, because Tuesday we had our magical day with our Crystal Bay pen pals, Wednesday 11 of our class were superstars representing our school at the regional track meet, and Thursday the students were fabulous ambassadors for our school at the Alternative Activity Day at Summit.  I feel like all I do is brag about how wonderful this group is lately!)
To start the day we did a quick class meeting upstairs in Room 308 to go over what would be happening, and then we headed down to the gym, with our lunches, and gear for the day, so that we could participate in our Science and Tech museum workshops.  This had us rotating through a series of five stations over the first hour and 45 min of the day, where we got hands on opportunities to experience a variety of physics, astronomy, and chemistry based scientific activities.  As that wrapped up, we grabbed our bags in the hallway, and some snack (provided by Taylor today), and smoothies (for those who get them each day) and headed out  the door for the short walk to Rogers studios on Richmond.  
We were greeted at Rogers by Trudi, our contact, and she ran us into studio B, where we had some information shared with us about the station, what happens, and how it all works.  We had the opportunity to meet several of the staff (made up mostly of volunteers) including Isabella, a former Churchill student, who was working as the floor director for the Daytime Show. 
Then we were whisked onto the set of the Daytime Show, where we were guests on the Host Chat.  Not only were the students on the set, live on air, in the background, but several were brought out of the group to answer questions and share a bit about themselves.  Of course our own Ben V. stepped up first, and did us all proud with his mini interview.  Everyone can check out this segment at the link, included in the email I forwarded below.  It is well worth viewing, to catch the moments with out students.
After this segment was finished, we were whisked back to Studio B, where each student received hands on training on how to work the studio cameras (an expensive gamble, at over $100 000 a camera!).  The students were, as always, engaged, respectful of the equipment, and very excited about the opportunities they were being given.  
Lunch time was quick, because we all wanted to get filming our shows, which is what took up the rest of our time at Rogers.  The students were split into four groups before we arrived, and they had decided on topics to discuss, in mini interviews.  Each group had roles to fill, in front, and behind the camera, as well as in the control booth.  To say that the class was into this would be an understatement.  Everyone, from those playing hosts, to those playing special guests, and the ones directing the set, or in the control room...they were all fully into their roles.  It was a treat to behold.
In the end, we have four segments filmed, and the Host chat (which you can already see at the link below, on the Daytime website).  All of this we will be viewing next Thursday evening at the Student Led/Open house/Book launch.  I hope that all of our families can come out to see the great work, and the performances from today.

Now, before you scroll down to read the email from Trudi and click on the link, I have a few reminders about the upcoming 9 days of school....
Tomorrow (Saturday) Churchill School of Rock performs at 11, at the community stage, beside Macs convenience, on Richmond Rd.  Performers need to be meeting in front of the stage starting at 10:30.  We sing at 11!  It will be less than one hour in length.

You should have received an email regarding our open house on Thursday, from 6 - 7:30pm.  This is a great closer to the school year.  We will be sharing work, and experiences from the year, through our student led portfolios, some computer based work, and some videos/photos that we have collected to share.  Also at this event we will be unveiling our published and bound Alpha Biographies!  Hopefully most of you can make it for one last face to face in the classroom.

The grade 6 Honouring Ceremony will take place on Monday, June 22, at 8:30am in the gymnasium.  This will be a ceremony that will last approximately 2 hours, so please set time aside in your day.  All students will be saying a few words during the ceremony, and it is typically a very heartfelt event.  In the afternoon, weather permitting, we will be travelling to Dovercourt park for an afternoon of field games and activities.  A field trip, and concussion form will be coming home this week.  We will be including a pizza order form, as we will plan to have lunch in the park.  If anyone is willing to donate some fruit, watermelon, or other treats to share, we can make it a kind of potluck celebration in the park that afternoon.  We hope to be there by 11:30, so we can do an activity and then have lunch for our usual noon time.

Tuesday, June 23rd, we will be travelling to the Museum of Nature to tour several of the exhibits, but primarily so that we can experience the Inside Out Animals special exhibit.  This special feature is only here for the summer, and as strange as it sounds, it will be an eye opening experience for everyone involved.  They have done a very interesting, and not at all (even for squeamish stomachs) gross job of displaying what we are made up of on the inside.  Using a process called plastination they have created these specimens from real creatures, and through the exhibit the students will be able to observe just how alike most mammals really are.  The highlight for me is the full sized camel and giraffe specimens.  Such an exciting exhibit!

Finally....the 11th annual Chalkfest will take place on the final Wednesday of the school year.  We are looking for helpers to oversee the event, and for donations of chalk from anyone who can spare some.  This is a fun, creative, and multi aged event that has us all out on the yard together for some music and art.  Put this on the calendar and come on out to see the fun happen!
Now check out this link....

Track and Field

Wednesday was a memorable one for the track and fielders.  11 students from room 308 participated in the events.  Fun was had by all, and memories were made to last a lifetime.  Boy were we tired afterwards!