Thursday, June 11, 2015

Crystal Bay Pen Pal Visit

Tuesday was another magical day for Room 308, with our trip to Crystal Bay to visit our pen pals.  the class has been looking forward to it ever since their pen pals came to visit us at Churchill, and many of the class recalled their trip last year, and wanted to visit Crystal Bay again.  
We started our visit in their gym, where we performed three songs for our pals, with 308 playing ukes and guitars, and singing Wagon Wheel, Spider Man, and Rip-tide, for which we received a ton of applause.  We then travelled to the cafeteria, where everyone shared snacks, and visited with their pals.  It was a real treat to see our students walking the halls with their buddies, most arm in arm, or with Churchill students pushing wheelchairs and guiding their pals.  In the cafeteria our class made sure that everyone was getting offered snack options, and there were a lot of conversations about favourite foods.  Then we moved back to the gym to watch a video of our last visit with each other, at Churchill, before heading outside to have a time on the playground together.  Before getting on the bus (far too soon for the student who all wanted to stay longer) we had a quick tour of the school, and the highlights (ask about the Snoozelin room).  Overall it was the kind of experience that makes you proud of your community, happy to be a teacher, and give you faith in the future generation.  Magic!

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